In pursuit of the Truth, the Integrity, and the Joy of wonderful ingredients.

In pursuit of the Truth, the Integrity & the Joy of wonderful Ingredients.

In pursuit of the Truth, the Integrity, and the Joy of wonderful ingredients.

Chef Pieter Dijkstra

Chef Pieter Dijkstra

Voted “Best Chef” at the 2009 March of Dimes Signature Chefs Event in Boulder, CO. Pieter ‘s cuisine has wowed palates from Jam Cruise and Burning Man to the teams of Audi & Porsche in the American Le Mans Series.

Chef Pieter with pepper grinder

Fearless Practice of the Art of the Meal

Seattle’s Chef Pieter Dijkstra creates one-of-a-kind dinners that explore, celebrate, and showcase the exciting bounty of the Pacific Northwest region.

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Food matters and other musings.

Food Matters.

Food matters. It matters to your taste and wellbeing. It contributes to who you are as a person and your quality of life.

Farm Roots

“Memories of gardening with my father and sitting on the kitchen counter watching my mother cook.”

Seasonal Bounty

“Every menu I write starts with the Northwest season in mind as I shape it around the client’s taste.”

Inexhaustible Passion

“A perfect day for me includes a trip to market and an amazing dinner for you and your guests.”

Personal chef, catering & cooking classes

Culinary Services

Vegetable-centric, herb-forward style

Favorite Menus

Creating nourishing dinners that delight you is a calling.

“Each dinner, big or small, for each client is woven together from ingredients I’m inspired by.”

– Chef Pieter

Food matters . . . to who you are as a person, and to your quality of life.

Like music, a set of ingredients can create an immersive experience that touches, moves, and inspires. Let’s play!